Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technic (SMART)
Amalgam fillings are alloys of silver, lead, tin, zinc, palladium that are mixed with mercury to form a soft filling. The dentist can put this filling material in the cavity of the tooth. and pressed until it forms The filling material will harden within 24 hours. The patient can grind the teeth well. This amalgam filling material is a cheap filling material. Easy to use, high durability. Long service life is considered a material that dentists used to restore teeth in the past. But there are many disadvantages such as
– Color that is not like natural teeth
– Loss of dentin more than it should be (Because filling with amalgam requires a wide area. Removing a lot of dentin to support the material)
– Amalgam materials may cause discoloration of the dentin around the filling material to gray.
– Allergy to mercury Occurs in about 1% of people receiving amalgam fillings.
– Risk of exposure to heavy metals (mercury) from amalgam materials
Holistic Dentistry and Anti-aging medicine focus on health problems in a holistic, systematic way. Take care to advise on the amount and effects of many heavy metals that can have harmful effects on the body. And suggested that even small amounts of mercury can cause many problems to the body, such as allergies, neurological and brain symptoms, short memory, headaches, Alzheimer's disease, fatigue, and anxiety. Immunodeficiency including multiple sclerosis. If possible, it is advisable not to contain mercury-containing amalgam in the oral cavity. But dismantling amalgam produces a large amount of mercury vapor. It is therefore necessary to have a proper process in the dismantling of amalgam materials to reduce the hazard of mercury vapor during dismantling.
Medtopia Holistic Dentistry Clinic uses the SMART technique to remove amalgam fillings. To remove amalgam material and mercury vapor as quickly as possible by using
– Waterproof rubber sheet so as not to allow the amalgam and mercury vapor to come into contact with the oral tissues.
– High-powered saliva aspirator to remove scraps of amalgam and water used in washing.
– A high-powered mercury-vapor vacuum is used during the procedure.
– Oxygen is administered to reduce the inhalation of air contaminated by mercury vapor.
– Winding techniques and equipment that can dismantle amalgam quickly and efficiently.
In addition, after dismantling the amalgam filling material It is recommended to do mercury detoxification together with an anti-aging physician by doing chelation therapy or using various supplements. to remove mercury from the bloodstream